Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

In this article we will see the advantages and disadvantages of the best known energy sources in the world

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources


Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

  • This fuel is cheap and uses the things that we would otherwise throw away.
  • There will always be waste. This will not be exhausted.
  • When the fuel is burned, greenhouse gases are released that pollute the environment.
  • Sometimes the biomass crops grow where we can grow better food.
    We do not have enough space to grow enough biomass.

Solar energy

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

  • The energy of the sun is free.
  • The sun does not produce greenhouse gases.
  • The sun will always be there.
  • It is relatively expensive to build solar power plants.
  • When it is cloudy or at night there is not enough light, so you can not generate electricity.

Tidal energy

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

  • Tides are free and will never run out. The only cost is the construction and maintenance of the plant.
  • Tidal energy generation does not produce greenhouse gases.
  • We know exactly when there are tides, so we know when and how much electricity will be generated.
  • It may be necessary to build a dam to direct the flow of water through the generators. This may not be good for the plants and animals that live in the neighborhood.
  • We only have tides twice a day, so electricity can only be produced during these periods.

Geothermal heat

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources


  • Geothermal energy does not produce greenhouse gases.
  • The source of energy is free and will not be exhausted.
  • There are not many places where we can build geothermal power plants.
  • Harmful gases and minerals can occasionally rise from below the ground. This is difficult to verify.


Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources


  • No greenhouse gases are emitted in a hydroelectric power station.
  • The water used is free.
  • It is a renewable energy source.
  • It is expensive to build a dam.
  • The dam and the reservoir change the biotopes in the area and this can have a great impact on the wildlife and the original plants.
  • If it does not rain enough, there is not enough water to run the turbines sufficiently powerful.

Wave energy

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

  • The waves are free and will never run out. The only cost is the construction and maintenance of the plant.
  • The energy of the waves does not produce greenhouse gases.
  • There are very few safety risks associated with the wave power plant.
  • The waves can be too big or too small, so people can not always generate electricity with this.
  • Electricity must be transported from the sea to the earth.
  • There has not been much attempt to generate electricity in this way, which makes the installation very expensive.

Wind power

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

  • The wind is free and will not run out. The only cost is the construction and maintenance of the wind turbine.
  • Wind energy has no emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • There are very few safety risks with wind turbines.
  • Wind turbines are only profitable in windy areas. On days with little or no wind, they do not provide energy.
  • We need a lot of turbines to produce a lot of electricity.


  • Coal can be found in many parts of the world and there are still a lot of mines to be exploited.
  • The coal can be easily transported to power plants.
  • Coal is a relatively cheap source of energy.
  • The coal is mined in the mines. Working in the mines is often dangerous and unhealthy.
  • The transport of coal by truck and train from the mine to the plant causes contamination.
  • Burning coals produce polluting gases such as sulfur dioxide, which produce acid rain.
  • Of all the energy sources, the burning of coal brings most of the greenhouse gases that can add to global warming.
  • Coal is a non-renewable energy source and will run out in about 100 years.
  • The miners get lungs of lung dust and emphysema if they breathe too much coal dust.

Nuclear energy

Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources


  • Nuclear fuel does not emit harmful greenhouse gases.
  • You only need a very small amount of nuclear fuel to produce a lot of energy.
  • The waste produced from the use of nuclear fuel is still radioactive and very harmful for thousands of years.
  • Nuclear power plants pose a risk of terrorist attacks and sabotage.
  • The stock of uranium in the world will be exhausted in 50 years.

Oil and natural gas

  • Oil and natural gas can be found in many places in the world.
  • We can transport oil and gas in oil pipelines and in tanks or ships.
  • The environmental damage can be caused by the drilling and pumping of oil and oil spills during transport.
  • Oil and gas are not renewable, so they will one day be exhausted.
  • The burning of oil and natural gas brings greenhouse gases into the air. This contributes to global warming.
  • The price of oil and gas will increase because stocks are depleted and many people use it.
  • Working in an oil or gas extraction facility can be dangerous due to the risk of explosions.
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