What is the weight and space occupied by the solar panels

In this article we will analyze two fundamental points when installing a solar system on your roof Space and weight occupied by photovoltaic solar panels

¿What is the weight and space occupied by the solar panels?


In order to act as to where or in what place or space the photovoltaic solar panels can be installed, we have previously complied with the following steps:

Know the basic concepts and definitions in the field of Photovoltaic Solar Systems.-

In our case, we refer to self-consumption facilities (kilo Watt per hour), residential facilities far from the Electricity Network, water pumping, agricultural irrigation, rural hospitals, communication in communities, lighting in general, roofs in service stations, rural squares and water troughs for animals, among others.

Space and weight occupied by photovoltaic solar panels

These concepts are also valid for larger facilities such as ‘farms’ or ‘Solar orchards’ or simply ‘Photovoltaic Plants’ where the capacity is higher and referred to the Mega Watts per Hour and with the Electrical Network connection.

Here are added the “decks”, “air-conditioning for swimming pools”, “gaming rooms and dance floors” where photovoltaic solar panels of greater power, such as MWh, are involved and with the sale of energy to the Electricity Network.

Recognize the size of terrain, roof, wall, ceiling or space.-

This serves to not underestimate the areas that apparently “do not serve” to install a panel.Often a wall or a frontal is despised where it just favors good solar positive irradiction to take advantage and make money.

Conditions to install photovoltaic solar panels.-

Vision to be sure of the place, city, community or space in such a way that they meet the requirements of availability of solar rays, adequate peak hours of the sun, unfavorable days or not as the personal predisposition to do it with pleasure.

Know or estimate the quantity and quality of photovoltaic solar panels.-

It would be necessary to follow steps until being sure of the amount and the quality of panels to be installed. This will serve so that with all confidence we can decide the place or space where to place them and comply with the complete installation including its components.

To get here, it has been necessary to calculate the energy consumption according to the need, be it for the whole house or specific project. These steps are indicated from the first part of our reports in this  Blog .

Correctly locate the orientation and route of the Sun.

This serves to direct the direction of the photovoltaic module or towards the South or towards the North, considering the degrees for the angle of inclination towards the best development of impact of the solar rays both in time and in irradiation.

The shadows.-

This study is used for the decision of choice or on a roof without shadows and strong, roof, patio, road, wall or even a mobile if necessary.

2.. Space and Weight that occupy photovoltaic solar panels

We are ready to select and acquire the panels. We know the basic requirements to point out even the costs and thus safely finish the installation project.

Use of tables and tables Size. Weight of PSFV

Happily with the data above we can easily know the area that is needed and also know the weight of one or more modules.

For security also thinking about micro-inverters and cables, etc. play the free criterion of adding up to 10% more in these measures.

Let’s see what’s ours:

We know that our cabin project requires photovoltaic solar panels to cover a maximum energy of 1,699 whd (See calculated table) or (also more complete)

In addition, for installation case 1 in Mexico (Tuxtla), 8 panels of 230 Wp quality are required. For case 2 in Peru (Huancayo) the need for panels of the same quality is 5.


The Area or Space Required: Help with the attached table

In Mexico we will be looking for an area of ​​1.94 m2 x 8 = 15 m²

In Peru the required area will be 1.94 m2 x 5 = 10 m²

The weight that the set of panels must support

In Mexico, total panel weight around 25 x 8 = 200 Kg

In Peru the total weight of panels approx. of 25 x 5 = 125 Kg

If the number of panels was not known initially

Maximum Energy Calculated 1,699 Whd divided by the Watts Peak of the selected panel (230 Wp) we have an estimated total of 7 to 8 photovoltaic solar panels. We will go to the same table or another similar one to look for equivalence approx. of area and weight and we will reach the same conclusions …

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